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The Rural Municipality of Reford is located South of Wilkie, Saskatchewan and is is 707.06 square kilometers in size.
The R.M. was incorporated in 1910 and at the time there there were seven hamlets within the R.M. Most recently, the Village Cavell resorted back to the municipality in 1943 and the Village of Leipzig resorted back to the municipality in 1984. The Village of Landis remains with a population of 133.

Currently, the R.M. of Reford has a population of 222 persons which includes 90 private dwellings.

In 1948 the municipal office moved from Cavell to the Town of Wilkie and; in 1972 the municipality constructed a new office building jointly with the RM of Buffalo No. 409. This remains the current office building.

Business Hours

Monday - Friday

 8:30 am - 4:00 pm

Closed Weekends and Holidays

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